Chiropractic Care

What is Chiropractic Care?

Check out this video where Dr. Rosina explains what Chiropractic Care is and how it can play an important part in improving your overall quality of life.


Our Chiropractic Services


For Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is important to monitor that the spine and pelvis are functioning optimally to provide the best environment for a growing baby. Dr. Rosina sees many pregnant women and uses gentle chiropractic techniques during pregnancy and following childbirth, for both mum and baby, to ensure they both come through the birth process without any health problems.


For Babies

Having your baby checked from birth can help them to be a happier, healthier child. The birth process is the hardest challenge women’s bodies can go through, but it can also be difficult for our babies as well as there is a lot of pressure on the baby’s head. Vertebral subluxations caused by the birthing process can lead to colic/reflux, ear infections, constipation, and other health complications. Unsettled crying babies, difficulty latching, favouring turning their heads one way, and the development of flatter skulls can be caused by the birth process.

A chiropractic check post birth ensures a great start to life by ensuring a body-brain connection free of interference. Babies that receive Chiropractic Care have been shown to be more settled, have fewer digestive complaints, and have a more robust immune system.


For Kids

Did you know that children can fall up to 2000 times just learning to walk? Checking your child’s nervous system is functioning properly enables them to adapt to their environment better. Chiropractic Care can help with neck and low back pain, headaches, growing pains, constipation, bedwetting, as well as recovery from sporting injuries and falls. It can also help children with postural issues often caused by extended time spent on electronic devices. Being adjusted allows their body’s to better cope with their environment and in turn allows them to learn, play, breathe, and digest better.


For Sports Performance

Spinal adjustments have been proven to increase muscle strength, balance, coordination, and reaction time. Athletes such as Tom Brady (American Football) and Usain Bolt (Athletics) are known to receive Chiropractic adjustment prior to competition, enabling them to reach their full potential. Everyone can benefit from Chiropractic, no matter what your level of competition, from weekend warriors to international athletes. When your body-to-brain connection is interrupted, you are prone to injury and falling short of performance goals. Imbalances in the skeletal system and muscles can create subluxation or nerve irritation, interfering with strength, flexibility, coordination, and speed.

Chiropractic Care can assist in a faster return to sports through rehabilitation by encouraging circulation and nerve communication with the injured tissue. Chiropractic Care is a hands-on holistic approach encompassing spinal, joint and extremity adjustments and exercises.

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For Injuries

When we have an injury from sport, vehicles, or a simple fall, the first thing we often look for is blood or broken bones. We often don’t consider what could have happened on the inside. Even though you may walk away seemingly unharmed from a sports accident or vehicle collision, it only takes 5-10km/hour to cause a whiplash injury to the spine. Having your spine checked after any injury can help you recover faster and also improves muscle strength and balance.

Dr. Rosina incorporates spinal adjustments, rehabilitation exercises and Denneroll spinal orthotics to help improve your spinal and muscle strength and function, plus help return your normal spinal curves.


For Improved Overall Health

We experience life through our nervous system. This is how we interact with both our internal and our external surroundings. Your brain, spinal cord and nerves control how your body works and moves. External stressors, either physical, chemical or emotional can affect how our bodies works and cause them to no longer be in harmony with themselves. Examples of these stressors are:

Physical: slips, falls, sporting injuries, sitting and sleeping postures.

Chemical:  toxins, pollutants, colourings and preservatives.

Emotional: Busy lives and schedules.

We believe that Chiropractic Care can help improve your mental health, neurological health, muscle strength, flexibility, and range of motion. It can also promote recovery, improve immune response and enhance the quality of your overall health and well-being.


Our Techniques


Sacro Occipital Technique

Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) focuses on the relationship between the top of the spine (sacrum) and the base of the skull (occiput). By improving the function of the pelvis, spine, and cranium, the body can better support the nervous system and blood supply to important tissues, organs, and limbs. SOT aims to enable these parts of the body to heal themselves as the body knows how to do, by removing any interference from imbalances in the spine.

Dr. Rosina loves this technique and uses SOT daily as it results in effective and timely results for patients. SOT Technique also encompasses Cranial and Manipulative Reflex Techniques.


Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP)

CBP focuses on the curvature of the spine and how it acts as support, shock absorber, and leverage for various activities. Through time, overuse, posture, injury, or disease, the spinal curves can become misaligned. This can result in health impacts on soft tissues and energy levels.

Dr. Rosina facilitates CBP through prescribing mirror image exercises, Denneroll Spinal Orthotics, and Pro-Lordotic exercises. These methods combine to decrease the impact and load on your body to address physical discomforts and improve energy levels.



An Activator is a spring-loaded device that enables low-force impulses to certain points of the body. The speed at which the Activator operates reduces the instinctual muscle tense reaction to impact, making the treatment more effective. It also allows greater control over the location and position of the impact, reducing strain on other parts of the body.

Dr. Rosina uses a combination of SOT, CBP, and Activator Chiropractic techniques personalised to each patient. Her holistic approach also encompasses corrective exercises and nutrition to help your body become the best it can be. The aim is to express better health, be a better you, and give you more energy and enthusiasm for work, family, and play.

Our Associations

We are an exclusive New Zealand agent for Denneroll Spinal Orthotics. Other certifications include:  Advanced SOT Proficiency Rated, President of SOTO NZ (Sacro Occipital Techniques Organisation New Zealand), Member of New Zealand Chiropractic Association. Registered Chiropractor with New Zealand Chiropractic Board and Registered ACC Provider.

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