February - Lunchboxes

80% of your immune system is in your gut.⁠ Your nervous system, immune system and emotional system all work together and influence each other. ⁠ Did you know that you can get tummy pain coming from your spine? Or low-back pain or mid-back pain coming from your digestive organs?⁠

This is why what we eat is a big part of our health! Kids should have less than 5tsp of sugar a day and adults should have less than 10tsp. The average adult in New Zealand has a whopping 37tsp a day! An excess of sugar can make your child hyperactive and affect their concentration, sleep and can cause irritability.⁠ Sugar can inflame your joints and gut, causing insulin spikes and energy highs and lows. A diet high in sugars and carbs leaves your body craving more when your energy levels crash.⁠ Remember that 1 teaspoon (tsp) = 4gm sugar⁠. One small box of juice can have as much as 6tsp of sugar in it a small pot of fruit and jelly can have 3tsp.⁠ ⁠

Ever find it difficult to do healthy, simple, affordable lunchboxes? Trying to keep as few packet foods as possible in their lunchboxes is a great start! Veggie stick with hummus, wrap or sandwiches with meat/eggs and leafy greens, eggs: hard-boiled, quiche, frittata, fruit skewers, high protein pulse pasta salad, shredded chicken and couscous, rice or quinoa salad are all fantastic options too!


March - Hormones


January - Posture and backpacks